The Centre programme changes regular so please check with staff for updates.
Listed below are some of our more regular community groups. For more details please call us on 9698 9569
The Factory Community Centre acts as a meeting place for local community groups and a place where residents from Waterloo, Redfern and surrounds seek support. For over 30 years, it has delivered a range of projects and programs for the benefit of the community and surrounds, with the financial support of a range of government bodies, which include The City of Sydney, various sections of the Department of Human Services, and a range of philanthropic supporters.
The agency is an experienced direct service provider, and is managed by a local resident’s management committee with a professional staff team. It is a central hub for other essential local organizations and grass root community groups operating in the area, such as:-
· REDWATCH- Local Residents Advocacy( 1st Thursday of the month)
· LET’S Sydney - Local Energy Trading Scheme (quarterly)
· Spanish Community Care Association (Thurs & Fri)
· Columbian Association in Australia - CALD Service Provider (Mon)
· Anglicare Financial Counselling (Tues & Friday)
· JewishCare – program for elderly Russians (Mon-Wed)
· Gamblers Anonymous (Friday pm)
· South Sydney Seniors (Tues am)
· Waterloo Recycling Workshop (Fri am) & RedWater Markets (3rd Sat am)
· Cycle Recycle Club (Mon pm)
· Multicultural Cooking Groups
· Yoga classes
- New Horizons support group (Tue/ Thur)
- Waterloo and Redfern NAB action groups and project (varies contact Edith)
At The Factory you will find the Barnardos Learning Centre, Yurungai, a home work program for Aboriginal children and their families. The Factory also manages the highly regarded Poets Corner Pre-School in Redfern, and is a partner with local organizations in other early childhood activities.
Additionally, The Factory offer a community support and advocacy service, funded by the NSW
Community Services, which offers independent and impartial advice on a range of issues from housing, money management, assistance with form filling, and wide range of lifestyle needs & issues.
The Factory auspices the Redfern/Waterloo Housing NSW Communities Program which employs a Community Development Worker, resourcing local community groups and residents to assist them have a say in local decision making and community planning issues. The program supports long standing community groups such as the Neighbourhood Advisory Boards, Waterloo Green Safety Action group, RedWaternews, and others.
Centre staff facilitates a variety of leisure and health activities and are involved in auspicing local projects such as the annual ‘summer on the Green’ celebration, Volunteer Awards and Public & Performance Art projects.
In 2012, The Factory will be hosting the World Festival of Children’s.
The Factory has been nominated for the 2011 prestigious Sydney Business Awards under
Community Service - you can vote for us at:-
Call on 02 9698 9569,
Or drop in at 67 Raglan St., Waterloo. Mon – Thurs 9am – 4pm