On behalf of the Factory Community Centre Staff, Volunteers and Board of Management, we would like to thank you all for your constant support and involvement in our programs throughout 2010. Without the help and assistance of many of our partner agencies, volunteers and our funders we wouldn’t have been able to achieve the many great outcomes that have taken place over the last year.
As many of you will be aware, Patrick Russell has retired from the Factory Community Centre after ten long and successful years as our fearless manager, we recognised his sense of humour, wisdom and contributions to our community, at the same time our team is enormously thankful for his solid legacies, happy memories and the community values that he established in our team, we will miss him and continue his valuable work.
As we say good-bye to Patrick, I have been given the opportunity and privilege to take over the Coordination role for which, I am very enthusiastic about the work and contributions that our team can make in the future.
During this year we also welcome Edith Olivares to our team as the new Community Development Worker for Redfern and Waterloo under the Housing Communities Program. Her email contact for your records is eolivares@the-factory.org.au.
I personally want to thank everyone as well for their support during my four years in the above role and I am sure you find Edith to be of excellent value as she continues to build on the HCAP programs work.
We hope you enjoy the summer break, please accept our best wishes for you all in 2011, and the Factory Team is looking forward to working with you all again in the New Year.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Best Regards,
Mike Shreenan and the Factory Community Centre
Notice of Centre closure
The factory will be closed from the 17th of December 2010 and will re-open to the public on the 10th January 2011. (I will remain contactable via mobile/Email for all those groups who are meeting within that time that may require any assistance.)