Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Ultimate Scooter and Motorcycle TAG - WIn $1000!!!

Come join us on October 10th, to compete for over $1000 in cash and prizes in the ultimate TAG & Treasure Hunt game – a fundraiser for the Steven Walter Foundation.

What is TAG?
Riders are given a list of targets and you must take a photo of your bike in front of various objects to earn points.
You will also be required to collect stupid stuff along the way.
Points will vary according to difficulty, artistic ability, skill, cunning and danger.

Riders may work in teams or compete as individuals

Cheating is allowed and ingenuity is encouraged.

Creativity and imagination will be essential.

For more information and to register to play, visit www.scootersales.com.au/tag

Are you up for the Challenge?
Forward this email to all your riding friends and form a Team today.

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