Last Friday of the month informal gathering
This informal gathering is for all volunteers, community workers, reps and all those interested in Redfern-Waterloo. We meet at the Beer Garden in Norfolk Hotel at 1.00 is a great way of having a good chat with someone or speak-out about something. It’s always fun, we can eat and drink. We will be there on:
28th of January
25th of February
25th of March
Come and Join us!
Norfolk Hotel is on the Corner of Cleveland Street and Walker Street Redfern
For more information contact Edith Olivares on 9698 9569, or at
RedWatch meetings
RedWatch is a community group, which covers the Sydney suburbs of Redfern Eveleigh Darlington and Waterloo. REDWatch exists to monitor Government involvement in our area and to push for outcomes that benefit the community and not just the Government.
This month we will be joined by the Redfern Waterloo Authority Chief Executive Officer and Senior Housing NSW staff who will deliver an important briefing on the recent release of the DRAFT Built Environment Plan 2, which sets the framework for future development of public / social housing Stock with Waterloo and Redfern
RedWatch meetings are the 1st Thursday of the month at 6pm
Where: Factory Community Centre 67 Raglan Street, Waterloo, 2017
LEEAG (Learning, Employment, Enterprises Action Group)
Open to all those agencies working on Local Learning, Employment and Enterprise projects and local residents. This action group will be meeting on the second Thursday every two months.
Where: The Factory Community Centre
Time: 2.00pm
Next meetings:
10th of February 2011
14th of April 2011
For more information contact Edith Olivares on 9698 9569, or at
New Redfern Brand
The South Sydney Business Chamber, as a member of the Roll Up Redfern Group, is hosting an evening for local businesses and community representatives, to introduce the exciting new Redfern Brand, on Wednesday 9 February 2011 from 6.00 pm at the Redfern Town Hall. Refreshments will be served and it will be an ideal opportunity to meet a wide range of people who are vital to the health of the local economy.
The evening will provide a brief description of the background to the new Redfern brand and an open discussion on how businesses and the community can use it. The new brand, if cleverly used by us all, will prove to be a powerful force in changing some perceptions of Redfern and promoting Redfern, as an edgy, fun place to reside and also to do business.
The presentation for businesses and community organisations on the new Redfern Brand will be held on:
Date: 9th February 2011
Venue: At Redfern Town Hall (73 Pitt Street Redfern NSW 2016)
Time: 6.00pm
Please note RSVP's are essential to assist.
For more information and bookings please contact Julie Parsons on 9202 9117 or at
Chinese New Year 2011
South Sydney Community Aid would like to invite everyone who wants to enjoy a beautiful celebration of the Chinese Community
Date: 8th February 2011, Tuesday
Time: 11.00am for 11.30am start till 2pm
Venue: The Alexandria Town Hall,
73 Garden Street
Alexandria NSW 2015
Please R.S.V.P by 31st January 2011
For bookings and more information contact Bill on 9319 4073

Community Learning and Research Committee
Following up the success of the Community Learning and Research Forum held on October 7th, facilitated by Judy Stubbs.
The Forum agreed to set up this Committee with membership open to anyone who wished to participate. The first meeting will look at the notes from the Forum and start to develop a Community Learning and Research Plan for 2011. The meeting will be on:
Date: 16 February 2011
Venue: Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre (Wellington Shops)
Time: 10am and 12noon
If you would like to be part of this committee, please contact David Lilley
on 9268 3514 or at
Waterloo Safety and Wellbeing Action Group (WSWAG)
Open to all those residents concerned about community safety, and the agencies who work in Waterloo on community safety issues and promotion of health /wellbeing. The dates for the WSAG meetings will be the second Wednesday of each month as follows:
• February 9
• March 9
• April 13
• May 11
• June 8
Where: The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan St. Waterloo NSW 2017
Time: 2.00pm
For more information contact Edith Olivares on 9698 9569, or at
Redfern LAC Community Safety Precinct Committee Meeting (CSPC)
The Redfern Local Area Command organised this safety committee meeting to support and help the reduction of crime within Redfern. The CSPC meeting dates for 2011 are:
• Thursday 10th of February
• Tuesday 12th of May
• Thursday 11th August
• Thursday 10th November
Where: Redfern Local Area Command on level 4.
Time: 10.00am
For more information contact Georgie Israel on 8303-5127
Over 55 Services Interagency Meetings
The dates for the Over 55 Services Interagency meetings organised by the City of Sydney for the rest of the year are as follows:
• Thursday April 7
• Thursday June 2
• Thursday August 4
• Thursday October 6
• Thursday December 1
Where: Cliff Noble Centre, Cnr. Renwick and Suttor St, Alexandria between
Time: 2.00 – 4.00 pm
For more information contact Jaimie Moreno on 02 9265 9489
The Peach Girl – Chinese New Year Festival Event (CNY Festival)
The "Peach Girl" (1931) a classic Chinese silent movie with live music accompaniment will be held on:
Date: Saturday 5th of February
Venue: Museum of Sydney
Time: 2.30pm
The full program for City of Sydney CNY Festival is on
Redfern NAB
· Tuesday the 15th of February
· Tuesday the 29th of March
· Tuesday the 10th of May
· Tuesday the 19th of July
· Tuesday the 13th of September
· Tuesday the 15th of November
Where: Poets Corner Our place Community room
Time: 10am
For more information contact Edith at the Factory or the Redfern Team leader at Housing NSW
Waterloo NAB
· Tuesday the 1st of February – Housing Standards (Reps and Housing NSW)
· Tuesday the 1st of March – Joint Services ( Reps and Action group chairspersons)
· Tuesday the 5th of April– Housing Standards
· Tuesday the 3rd of May– Joint Services
· Tuesday the 7th of June– Housing Standards
· Tuesday the 5th of July– Joint Services
· Tuesday the 2nd of August– Housing Standards
· Tuesday the 6th of September– Joint Services
· Tuesday the 4th of October– Housing Standards
· Tuesday the 8th of November– Joint Services
· Tuesday the 6th of December– Housing Standards
Where: Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre
Time: 3pm
For more information contact Edith at the Factory or the Waterloo Housing NSW Team Leader.
Final PCG for the Redfern Safety Audit
The final Project Control Group for those involved in the above project is scheduled for:
Date: Friday 4 February 2011
Time: 10am -12pm
Venue: The Factory Community Centre
For more information contact Tuyen Duong on 9268 3492 or by email:
Urban Planning Sessions for Waterloo Residents
Housing NSW will be hosting the Urban Planning Sessions for Waterloo residents in the Factory.
When: Every Tuesdays throughout February 2011
Time: 1.00pm- 4.00pm
Where: Factory Community Centre
For more information contact Tuyen Duong on 9268 3492 or by email:
Certificate I in Tourism
The Certificate I in Tourism will run for five days at the Redfern Community Centre by TAFE and is free for Indigenous applicants starting Monday the 31st of January until Friday the 4th of February.
To find more information please contact James asap.
James Hoff
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information/Referral Worker
Office: 02 9557 2848 Mobile: 04 05147316 Fax: 02 9565 2342
104 Erskineville Road, Erskineville NSW 2043
PO Box 2459, Strawberry Hills 2012
Jobs in Tourism
Following up the above information and coincidently two jobs at the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority for an Indigenous Tour Guide will be accepting applications until the 4th of February.
Completing the one-week course mentioned above would obviously greatly improve the chances of someone applying for the tour guide job.
People of all ages can be assisted with resumes each Friday at the Redfern Community Centre after midday, or with myself most other times with an appointment.
Please contact James Hoff
Ph: 02 9557 2848
Mob: 04 05147316
Fax: 02 9565 2342
104 Erskineville Road, Erskineville NSW 2043
PO Box 2459, Strawberry Hills 2012
RedWater markets
The RedWater Markets are held every 3rd Saturday of the month from 8am till 4pm using community spaces to bring community life into Redfern Park.
The market focus is (not exclusively) on sustainable goods, handmade, recycled or second hand, and is environmentally friendly. All monies raised from the stallholder-fees are injected back into the community supporting local environmental projects such as the Waterloo Recycling Workshop and the Cycle-Re-Cycle Club.
The Factory Community Centre held the RedWater Markets each month at Redfern Park as a community project within the Redfern / Waterloo area with the support of the City of Sydney, Clubs NSW and the Housing Communities Program (HCP) funded by Housing NSW.
Online Information:
Stall enquires:
Discounts on rates may be available for commercial stallholders and those who are raising funds for registered/constituted groups and charities, which benefit the local community. For more information please contact Edith Olivares, HCP Community Development Worker.
Mob: 0434 197 527
Ph: 02 9698 9569
Or email us at:
Free Training in Dementia Care
The training takes place over three full days, Thursday 3, 10 and 17 of February. To receive a certificate you must go to all training dates. There are 17 spots available.
To book, please contact Karen Clarke on 8788 3011, or at
Products that you can find in the markets are: NSW Aboriginal Community Care Gathering Committee Conference
A State Gathering of Aboriginal HACC and Related Workers
When: 8-10 March 2011
Where: Novotel Wollongong, Northbeach
Registrations OPEN
Get in early for your opportunity to network, listen to keynote speakers on best
practice and update on the new Aboriginal Policy Framework with ADHC and
the Gathering Committee.
Cost: $150.00 non-Govt / $250.00 Govt
The Aboriginal Gathering Committee have released two substantial policy
positions previously “Focus For the Future” and “Leading Our Way In
Community Care”, these powerful statements cover a range of relevant
policies when working with our Aboriginal communities.
This Conference will continue to build on this work.
To download the registration and program visit
For more information contact June Riemer (NCOSS) on (02) 9211 2599 ext
or at email:
Second-hand clothes, books, recycled goods, flowers/plants, food, hand-made goods, community groups and others.
Redwater Markets
Dates: 3rd Saturday of the month
Address: Redfern Park, Corner of Chalmers St. & Redfern St.
Time: 8.00am - 4.00pm
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