As you are probably aware the Factory Community Centre in conjunction with the Redfern & Waterloo NAB Events Group are organising their annual family fun day events including Redfern Neighboughood Day and Summer on the Green. This year at Redfern Neighbourhood Day on Friday 23rd November at 3pm we are having a special feature event called "Dunk Your Local Officials".
Therefore we are writing to senior staff of state and local Government agencies and local community activists to rise to the challenge and have themselves publically dunked by our local community residents.
This will work on a sponsorship basis and we will provide you sponsorship forms to each participating agency to raise funds for the Redfern & Waterloo NAB Events Group.
Your participation will not only contribute to our fundraising efforts but will also contribute to the fostering of solid community relationships through this fun filled activity.
Previously at these events we have had local media and a turnout of over 300 local residents.
In return for your participation you will also have the opportunity to witness myself, Bill Yan from South Sydney Community Aid, and both Ross Smith and Geoff Turnbull from REDWatch be dunked. I am sure many of you have waited for such an opportunity to soak these local community trouble makers! Are you brave enough to do what these community volunteer and executives are prepared to do?
We look forward to your confirmation in the near future.
Michael M Shreenan
Executive Officer
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